Date of TWTW |
Key Topics in this TWTW |
Dec 28, 2019 |
Bertrand Russell, 1000 years, best decade, what is science, scientific method, Feynman, our world in data, natural disasters, death tolls, extreme weather, tropical cyclone, UN, climate crisis, fables not facts, scenarios, Pielke, energy poverty, increase in fish, desalination |
Dec 21, 2019 |
Greenhouse effect, clouds, Lindzen, equatorial, polar, difference, volcanic activity, sensitivity, above 1.5C, Gore myth, Arrhenius, Milankovitch cycles, COP-25, wrong, modern famines, water, one part per trillion |
Dec 14, 2019 |
Feynman, computations, observations, COP-25, war, UN, prosperity, rhetoric, physical evidence, Curry, Spencer, model guesses, Happer, methane, greenhouse warming, 20C |
Dec 7, 2019 |
McIntyre, McKitrick, climategate, myths, PAGES2K, cherry-picking, CHIP6, COP-25, yellow (green) journalism, minus 89,000 p/d |
Nov 30, 2019 |
Yellow, green, journalism, life, extremes, fear of CO2, Spencer, book, Iceland, tipping points, 63.6%, electricity |
Nov 23, 2019 |
Future, status government, Spencer, protection insurance, dynamic, greenhouse effect, satellites, Venus, coral, fine fuels, NOAA, 110 million, drowning |
Nov 16, 2019 |
Climategate, exonerate, Curry, McKitrick, academic game, shallow, authorities, scientific method, climate models, surface observations, hidden costs, renewables, negative pricing, $143 billion, ten years, subsidies |
Nov 9, 2019 |
The Buck Stops Here, Truman, California control, public utilities, nature, models, IPCC, RCPs, AR5, AR6, Christy, observations, Pages 2K, Paris, down 66%, extreme poverty, up 16%, CO2, 0.01 ºC per year |
Nov 2, 2019 |
Appropriate models, weather, climate, Mass, reanalysis, NACR-UCAR, JRA-55, model-land, groupthink, clouds, Russian Academy, IEA, California fires, 30 to 40 below average |
Oct 26, 2019 |
Local media, surface data, D’Aleo, Hansen, ECS, Spencer, Lewis, Gregory, not trustworthy, observations, models, feedbacks, physical evidence, atmospheric temperature trends, Menton, California fires, PG&E, mandates, 31%, revenues, $1.1 trillion in savings |
Oct 19, 2019 |
Grasping the universe, Einstein, NASA-GISS, audit, exponential sea level rise, control knob, US modeling efforts, climate limits, statistician, regulated utilities, 2352 cubic feet, 30 tons, smartphone |
Oct 12, 2019 |
Svensmark, Western Mediterranean, NIPCC, CLOUD, CERN, greenhouse effect, uncertainty, top of atmosphere, Younger Dryas, rights, powers, California blackout, 4850% |
Oct 5, 2019 |
Contradiction, retraction, IPCC, extreme scenarios, cryosphere, oceans, certainty, tipping points, 2300, what is science, Feynman, 64% |
Sep 28, 2019 |
UN Children’s Climate Circus, climate crisis, Inuit, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, University of Rochester, teen brain, rights of the child, fluid dynamics, Nakamura, modeler, certainty, hollow 30% fewer labor-hours |
Sep 21, 2019 |
French modelers, inflation, propaganda week, drone attack, resilience, oil, oceans, GBR, censorship, 250 outlets |
Sep 14, 2019 |
Climate models, feedbacks, measurements, Soon, AGU, ice ages, EU, treaty, litigation, WMO, April Fools, Brazil, corn up 24% |
Sep 7, 2019 |
prediction capability, models, TRCS, fallacy of predictions, scientific method, testing, observational method, UA modeling, NCAR, CESM1, NOAA, CDFL, hurricanes, April Fool’s, AOC, 2.1 million square miles, Amazon |
Aug 31, 2019 |
Human influence, 10,000 years, clouds unknown, ISCCP, NASA, greenhouse effect, NCAR models, methane, UN, climate fears, Navy, Norfolk, AAAS, Mann, 6000 times more |
Aug 24, 2019 |
Amazon, burning, greenhouse effect, NOAA, models, Charney, Oppenheimer, Oreskes, Mann, Idso, grid new rule, 116 stations, 1880 |
Aug 17, 2019 |
Solar cycle, censorship, forbes, Nir Shaviv, Nature, authority, teen brain, propaganda, hottest, Greenland, Homogenization, greenhouse effect |
Aug 10, 2019 |
High standards, weather bureau, uncertainty, experiments, observations, volcanoes, AIRS, greenhouse effect, IPCC report, land degradation, vegetarian, reanalysis data, vehicles, green power, costs |
Aug 3, 2019 |
Land areas, planet, hottest month, data, USCRN, India, 2000 years, Arctic warming |
Jul 27, 2019 |
Challenger disaster, Feynman, scientific method, SEPP, climate models, ICCC-13, Peiser, EU, seeing the invisible, benefits of CO2, 1934 |
Jul 20, 2019 |
Feynman, uncertainty, scientific method, IPCC, USGCRP, 1.5C, debate, Singer, Younger Dryas, unprecedented, greenhouse effect, Charney, model validation, Christy, OA dynamic analysis, three ways, economics, physical health, mental health |
Jul 13, 2019 |
Booker, groupthink, worst-case, greenhouse effect, libraries, microbes, methane, medieval warm period, clouds, infrared, spectroscopy, agriculture, 11 to 48,000 deaths, pm2.5 |
Jul 6, 2019 |
Kepler’s laws, Feynman, puzzles, greenhouse effect, models, green fantasies, wind, solar, standards, NASA-GISS, soybeans, USGCRP, NCA4 |
Jun 29, 2019 |
Greenhouse effect, molecular spectroscopy, logarithmic, science, slogan, medical groups, standards, wsj, Bordeaux, 2.34 mmb/d. |
Jun 22, 2019 |
Greenhouse effect, simple physics, Van Wijngaarden, Christy, current atmosphere, national academies, climate models, extreme calm, 1ºC. |
Jun 15, 2019 |
The Right Climate Stuff, AGW, Happer, greenhouse effect, Spencer, freezing, sea level rise, 10 trillion, disappearing CO2, trilobite, secret science, zero, Paris agreement |
Jun 1, 2019 |
Washington’s Farewell Address, factions, spirit of party, attack on science, Montford, Christy, Curry, Ball, greenhouse effect, saturation, Antarctic warming, NASA-GISS, Mitchell, 40 zettabytes |
May 25, 2019 |
Atmospheric layers, Christy, GWPF, McNider, Hansen, models, McKitrick, erroneous method, water vapor, phantom evidence, photosynthesis, Cook, Apple, NOAA, storms, 5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of LNG, energy models, assumptions |
May 18, 2019 |
Happer, AMO, electromagnetic radiation, Guardian, climate science denier, Nature, children, teen brain, greenhouse effect, benefits, multicellular life, Svensmark, cosmic rays, Mills, information infrastructure, 415 ppm, Round-up |
May 11, 2019 |
Schneider, honest science, IPBES, Watson, Mann, Landsat, CO2, benefits, Arrhenius, Milankovitch, Tyndall, modern sensors, AIRS, nighttime temperatures, slight warming, El Niño frequencies, uncertainty, Paltridge, need, value, 0.05ºC in 25 years, |
Apr 27, 2019 |
Lost science, computer experiments, Barcelona, change in estimates, UAH data, OLR, greenhouse effect 500 deaths |
Apr 20, 2019 |
Ridd, intellectual freedom, corals, pH, block hole, testing, Rapp, greenhouse effect, increasing sensitivity, weather models, 4300 deaths, corn |
Apr 13, 2019 |
History, little ice age, industrial revolution, Kerry, changing climate, Arctic, ocean acidification, symbiotic relationship, measurement, black body radiation, 2 inches per century, 7 to 8 inches per century, Hansen, exponential, reverse hockey-stick |
Apr 6, 2019 |
Surface, atmosphere, Australia, Spencer, tropopause, adjustments, precipitation, urban heat island, UHI, Watts, Stevens, models, predictions, greenhouse effect, absorption capability, Columbia, Hansen, executive agreement, order, 44.6429%, 0.0125% |
Mar 30, 2019 |
Belief, science, political, greenhouse effect, cirrus clouds, water vapor, IPCC, worst case, new energy, 100 times more, H2O |
Mar 23, 2019 |
Lindzen, letter, Trump, independent commission, hard evidence, models, atmosphere, monitoring atmosphere, science fiction, Stalinist, independent commission, Mann, greenhouse effect, gases, concentrations, water vapor, dry air, prairie flooding, 100% renewable |
Mar 16, 2019 |
Mörner, seas, Happer, Hayden, qualified, AMO, greenhouse effect, emissivity, molecular motion, Curry, hurricanes, 26%, emissions |
Mar 9, 2019 |
NOAA, seas, questions, national security, patriots, US resources, biofuels, Happer, different letter, Arrhenius, hurricanes, Curry, German auto industry, 220 times, global warming papers |
Mar 2, 2019 |
Nature, realistic, Santer, certainty, Motl, Happer, clouds, greenhouse effect, modtran, hitran, 56 million, 99.99997% certainty |
Feb 23, 2019 |
Puccini, suspend realism, critical thinking, satellite data, surface, cause, minor warming, cause, greater warming, greenhouse effect, hurricanes, observations, €7 billion |
Feb 16, 2019 |
Infrared Radiation, green new deal, Marshall Plan, Vietnam, New York, Pennsylvania, California rail, atmospheric data, $425 billion plus back-up |
Feb 9, 2019 |
Roger Andrews, daily storage, seasonal storage, California, Green New Deal, reliable and consistent, ARRA, high speed rail, fiscal stimulus, jobs, 1935 Federal Power Act, New Deal, predictions, Gray, Dutch Climate Intelligence, Ponton, 1.4 million b/d, Venezuela |
Feb 2, 2019 |
Influence of Greenhouse Gasses, hot spot, weather engine, Kiehl and Trenberth, misconceptions, roles, relationships, El Nino cooling, Weatherbell, polar vortex, Midwest, hot, cold, evidence, Crichton, Christy, lessons from banking, 5.7%, NOAA stations |
Jan 26, 2019 |
Observations, theory, hot spot, Dyson, nature, tribal loyalty, understanding climate, predicting climate, Karl, disclaimer, ocean heat content, Curry, internal variability, EIA, 2020, 250 Million MW short. |
Jan 19, 2019 |
Weather engine, Trenberth, Kiehl, McKitrick, Charney, DMI, water vapor, AMS, economists, ocean heat content, Antarctic warming, cooling, #3 |
Jan 12, 2019 |
Types of energy flow, CO2, water vapor, Charney, atmospheric warming, quantifying error, energy budget, royal meteorological society, stagnant science, Shiviv, Sahara, averaging errors, Pacific cooling, water management, Teheran, zero tornadoes |
Jan 5, 2019 |
20, 40 and 60 years, Spencer, Christy, formulating the problem, NCA4, USGCRP, Curry, Sahara, Lamb, NIPCC, electricity costs, UK, US, sue government, green war profiteers, hindcast, 10% less v. 50% less |