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Scientific Papers for 2024

Mathematical Deceits
Another Way to Lie with Statistics

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: Mathematics is the language of science. However, some scientists use mathematics and statistics to deceive others and, perhaps, themselves. One example is claiming that a slight increase in climate (temperatures) can result in a major increase in extreme weather events. Below is an explanation how this was done in IPCC’s Third Assessment Report (AR3, 2001), using the assertions in the U.S. Global Change Research Program in 2008 with NOAA’s Tom Karl as convening lead author.

The State of the Climate 2024
Based on real observations
Ole Humlum, Professor
Abstract: Principal question:
Are we currently in a climate crisis?

Internal and External Processes

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: As far as I can tell, there may be 10,000 PhD dissertations already written or waiting to be written about rain, hail, snow, glaciers, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclonic storms, melting ice, sea level evaporation from the oceans, melting snow, melting ice, the movement of air across the globe, the influence of continental drift on weather patterns, and so forth. These subjects and their kin involve internal energy exchanges, and they describe how weather patterns move around the globe.

Where Were the "Climate Scientists?"

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: Look up the climate for a certain place you’d like to visit, and you’ll find long-term averages of temperature, rainfall, snowfall, humidity, and the like. Properly, “long-term” implies at least 30 years.

When climatologists talk about “the climate,” they refer to such data averaged all over the planet. Phenomena such as a hot spell in New England, a whole season of hotter weather than average in the Great Plains, or “atmospheric rivers” causing unusual flooding in California are local weather events, not changes in local climate, and certainly not changes in planetary climate.

Where Were/Are the “Climate Scientists?”
Presentation to Doctors for Defensive Preparedness,
Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: The world needs some climate rationality.

Radiation Transfer
Radiation Transport in Clouds

William Happer, Cyrus Fogg Bracket Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton
Abstract: No doubt some proponents of the myth of a climate crisis are sincere, if misguided. However, many others support the myth out of a lust for power and wealth. Alas, this has happened all too often in human history. Emmanuel Kant got it right; “Aus so krummen Holtze, als woraus der Mensch gemacht ist, kann nichts ganz Gerades gezimmert werden.” Isaiah Berlin’s English translation is: “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.”

Climate Models
A Startling Revelation

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: Kevin Trenberth is now emphasizing the difference between global heating (a process in which the earth absorbs more heat than it emits) and global warming (an ongoing increase in temperature).

The Thumb on the Scale

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: The dinosaurs lived when the average global temperature was 6ºC to 10ºC warmer than it is now, so you might think that there has been some climate change since that time. According to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), you would be wrong.

Screaming About Climate Disaster

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: The Stefan-Boltzmann (S-B) law gives the relationship between temperature and infrared radiation for planetary bodies.  If researchers do not apply it  when making predictions about increasing Earth’s temperature, they are negligent. A science journal refereed or not, that published the model result without that calculation is also negligent. Suffice it to say that the IPCC has never—repeat NEVER—applied the S-B law to their predicted temperatures.

Deviant Vocabulary

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: Starting with a supposition by Fourier in 1827 that atmospheric gases might trap heat from the sun, scientists in the 19th century experimentally investigated the notion that H2O and CO2 were the important heat-trapping gases.

Other 19th-century measurements were also important. The law of conservation of energy said that the heat absorbed from the sun must equal the amount of heat radiated to space, but how could anything be measured?

John Clauser
A Cloud Thermostat Controls the Earth’s Climate, Not Greenhouse gasses!
Climate change is a myth!
John F. Clauser, 2022 Physics Nobel Laureate, Climate Change Denier
Abstract: The IPCC and its collaborators have been tasked with computer modeling and observationally measuring two very important numbers – the Earth’s so-called power im balance, and its power-balance feedback-stability strength. They have grossly botched both tasks, in turn, leading them to draw the wrong conclusion.

I assert that the IPCC has not proven global warming! On the contrary, observational data are fully consistent with no global warming. Without global warming, there is no climate-change crisis!

Radioactive Waste
Nuclear Notes

Howard “Cork” Hayden, Prof. Emeritus of Physics, UConn,
Abstract: "Nuclear energy is expensive," goes the mantra, but the main reasons behind the high cost are governmental regulation that is often senseless and lawsuits and delays about "the environment."

All Scientific Papers for


 Cork Hayden [1]

 Climate Alarm [1]
 Climate Change [2]
 CO2, IR, and Climate [2]
 Mathematical Deceits [1]
 NIPCC [1]
 Observations [2]
 Omissions [2]
 Paleoclimatology [1]
 Physics [11]
 Radiation Transfer [1]

Climate Models
 Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) [1]
 Chaotic Behavior [1]
 Problems [1]
 Tropospheric Temperatures [1]

Himalayan Glaciers
 Behaviour and Climate Change [1]

 Definition [3]
 John Clauser [1]
 Models [3]
 Santer-Stocker [1]

NIPCC Report
 Sea Level Rise [1]

 Radioactive Waste [1]

Temperature Trends
 2 degree C [1]
 Modeled v. Observed [1]
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